
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Healthy from the Inside

It's been a LONG time since I've posted on here.... and a LOT has changed.  Namely...ME! There's a saying: "

If you know me based on who I was a year ago, you don't know me at all. My growth game is strong. Allow me to reintroduce myself."

This is SO true for me! I used to live my life "from the couch" so to speak. Oh I left the house. I coach volleyball and cross country, own a house cleaning/property management business, and homeschool as well. BUT.... when I was at home, I was doing almost everything from the couch.  I was constantly exhausted, overwhelemed, and gaining weight again.  I felt like i was spiraling out of control. Not to mention the fact that our finances were a hot mess! As far as my personal life. I felt like I had no real purpose. I had my children and husband, don't get me wrong, but I had always had a burden to help others and was looking for a way to do that.

So....I prayed.

I asked God for help in all of these seemingly unrelated areas. Health, energy, Finances, purpose....Little did I know that God would answer all of those prayers with ONE thing!!!

When God brought Plexus into my life, it was at just the right time.  He gave me hope for my health, showed me how I could be a blessing to others, not just by sharing what Plexus could do, but by loving them right where they were and sharing the love of God with them.  And, he also used Plexus to give our family much needed income!

I see so many wonderful dreams and goals that are now possible thanks to the gift that God gave me with Plexus....  I've also been learning SO much...about how to love people, how to love to love God more... How to get healthy on the inside...spiritually, AND physically!!! Yes...the growth game is STRONG with this one!!!

I'll leave you with one more quote:

"You are under no obligation to obe the same person you were a year, month, or even 15 minutes ago. You have the right to grow, No apologies."

Make your growth game strong and don't apologize for it!!!

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