
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crochet Dishcloth Swap "Rules"! AND...SURPRISE...a GIVEAWAY!!!

The goal of this swap is to produce and receive little pieces of crocheted art.

Use beautiful yarns, color combinations, and patterns. Don't feel pressured to be perfect

, the fun is in the cute little gems that show up in the mail, like little surprise gifts from blogville friends!

If you want to be in the swap, the rules are simple....First.....reply to this post with your numbered answers to these questions: (helps your fellow swapper know what you like)

1) Your google name/or other contact name?
2) What are your favourite color combinations (more than one combo if possible!)?
3) What are your favorite shapes?
4) When you are not crocheting, what is it that you love to do?
5) Name three things that you like.

After y'all post,you'll be given another blogger to "make for". You can then get their info,  Use the answers from the questionaire post to make two dishcloths for them! You're swap is complete when 1. You have sent and received your dishcloths and 2. you've either posted pics on your blog with a link back to this site or, if you don't have a blog, email the pics of your received dishcloths to me so I can post them FOR you!

Then, when you've completed your swap, ONE of you will receive this "Giveaway":

Two skeins of crochet yarn, one crochet hook, and a crochet pattern booklet!

 *NOTE* Winner is chosen by writing all names on a  scrap of paper, placing them into a bowl, and having my 3yr old or 5yr old pick one! (Technical, I know, but I wouldn't have it any other way!)

Not sure what you want to do?  I'll help ya out with some links at the end of this's the limit!  Those of you who don't crochet much, or never have, dishcloths are the PERFECT starter project!

Material choices:  Cotton yarn is the most frequently used material, however, many people mix it with felted wool for a scrubbier cloth, and/or tulle(netting) cut into strips for a scrubbie!

Most of the time you don't have to worry about guage size or crochet hook size with these little beauties, it's usually more about getting the right sized finished product!

Links for FREE dishcloth patterns:

Crochet Pattern Central has a TON of them in a basic directory, I love this one!

Tipnut has some nice ones with picture thumbnails.

Shh...I'm Counting! has tawashi patterns..(love these!)

This one is  from Crochet Pattern Central for "scrubbies"

Hope these help!


  1. 1.I am Tiffany Jackson. My email is jacksontiffany(at)hotmail(dot)com. I also have Facebook.. Tiffany Jackson.
    2. I love most colors. Mostly Reds, blacks, yellows... I am not to picky!
    3. Square.. Circle
    4. I LOVE photography. I have a small business in Utah. Love to take pictures of my 3 kids!
    5. Being a Mom, Sports (GO BYU! had to put that in!), Scrapbooking, Photography, Sewing-my new passion!

  2. 1. I am Amanda Maghakian you can get me at volleysoft(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. I like blue with brown, pink with brown, green with brown, orange with purple......white with brown, pink with green, red with brown....(i really like brown! hehe)

    3. I like squares, circles, triangles, parallelograms(haha!), stars,

    4. I'm a volleyball FANATIC, I grew up on a farm and still love all things farm/piggy. I do a lot with my church...LOVE God!

    5. God, Surprises, and things that are purposefully obnoxious(like mis-matched socks or stripes with paisley....LOVE it!)

  3. 1) MusingMom6/Crissy
    musingmom6 (at) gmail (dot) com

    2) Blue/yellow, Blue/White, Yellow/White, Purple/Yellow, Purple/White

    3) Any, but Hearts are the tops!!

    4) Blog, Read, Organize
    5) God, Husband, Quite evenings on my porch. Warm weather can't come soon enough.

  4. Would you want me to help promote this? I've done a few tweets. If the 3 of us post and tweet do you think we might get a few more entrants?

    Here from the hop, BTW.

  5. Carlysa, That would be great! Any help is good help! I appreciate it!

  6. 1. My name is Stacy Smith.
    2. Love all bright colors. My kitchen is a bright blue/yellow combo.

    3. triangle are nice.

    4. I sew, a lot!! And read.

    5. sewing, chocolate, and new supplies (for sewing, crocheting, crafting, and chocolate stash)

  7. 1)redhead lady
    2)brown and green
    3)circles and butterfly shapes
    4)Spend quality time with my family
    5) sunshine,green grass,and butterflies

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi, My name is Donnalee
    email: VintageQuiltage at gmail dot com

    1. CoutureCat
    2. blue~ purple~ cream~ yellow (any combo)
    3. square or round
    4. re-purpose, design, redesign & sew things
    5. nice people, comfort, good pizza

  10. 1. 365bags email beadingbettydesigns[at] facebook maria alioto, purple, blue, black but I will take any color.
    3. any shape
    4.sewing, cooking, playing on facebook
    5. crafting, summertime and writing.

  11. 1) Your google name/or other contact name? Ellie Mae
    2) What are your favourite color combinations (more than one combo if possible!)? Red & Black, Pink & Purple
    3) What are your favorite shapes? Squares or Circles
    4) When you are not crocheting, what is it that you love to do? Sew and Read
    5) Name three things that you like. Crafting, Reading and Spending time with my family.

  12. I just added this giveaway to my blog.

  13. Hi! My name is Cindy
    1) mrs.nipper(at)
    2) My kitchen Apples. Lots of Red and White and accents of Green
    3) Square, Apple Shaped, Round
    4) Camping, Hiking, spending time with family and our bulldogs.
    5) God, Family, and Music
