
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Upcycle tips .... or..... Upcycle-o-MANIA!

Looks like a bunch of clothes freshly washed but not folded or put away yet, doesn't it?  All I can say is NOPITY- NOPE!  You are looking at a pile of clothing I received for FREE from the local resale shop!  A little known tip is this: Most resale shops have a ton of clothes that they have to get rid of.  They aren't anxious to waste money on dumpster fees every time they have to dump them.  The clothes could either be flawed in some way that makes them unsellable or they could have been for sale for some time and no one purchased them.  Either way.....their in the way! 

So, here's what you do:  Go into that store and let them know you are an upcycler/recycler and would love to sort through any sweaters, t-shirts,  jeans, etc(whatever item you like to upcycle) that they are planning on throwing away and take them off their hands.  They may or may not let you, but it can't hurt to ask!  My resale shop has 4 different totes that they keep for different people who use things and they allow us to go in anytime we want to sort through what we would or wouldn't like....and VOILA!  Instant UPCYCLE-O-MANIA!

Give it a shot! You wouldn't believe all the little goodies I have gotten!  Truth be told, there were 5 more sweaters and 3 pair of jammy pants that I got as well that the kiddos snatched up and are wearing....FOR FREE!!!! 

Go ahead, say it...."Your SEW cheap!!!!"

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