
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Keys are MINE!

FINALLY!!!...after a whole ton of ups and downs and almost not even GETTING the house...oh, and a whole lotta prayer....The keys are MINE!!!!

 Now, the real work begins!  Today, we closed on the house, tomorrow, we dig in and start renovating!

First up: Demolition!  We are going to remove the rest of the carpet from the dining room and kitchen, as well as the kitchen cabinets.....

Delima #1.....Where to find cabinets that are less than the 1,000 price we are looking at now....We have been looking on craigslist and ebay, but we have a "galley style" kitchen, which means, not a lot of space and NO corners...the cupboards are on two opposite walls only.  Gotta save money on the cabinets!!!

This is a pic of my kitchen..."before"...ICK!

Case Design/Remodeling, Inc. eclectic kitchen

An example of how beautiful a galley kitchen CAN look....WAY above my price range though!
Oh, and bigger than my kitchen too!

Stay tuned....I'll be posting pics of tomorrow's demo soon!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life's getting PINteresting....

Still waiting for the actual closing on our house.....having to jump some hurdles and hop through some loopholes, but, In the meantime, I've been planning my list of things to do and the order to do them in.

AND....I'm dreaming a lil....wanna dream with me?  Come find me on pinterest name is Volleysoft!!!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012



All you wonderful friends who are following my blog, I'm gonna MISS you......UNLESS> follow me on Linky Followers!!!!  Here is what the linky widget looks like:

PLEASE feel free to  LINK up so I don't have to MISS YOU!!!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm SEW cheap takes it to the NEXT LEVEL!

WOW....It's been a while since I've posted anything!  Life has been EXTREMELY busy!  Since I've last posted, a new beginning has presented itself into the SEWcheap family....We're MOVING!!!  We've gotten an opportunity to relocate closer to our church and more central to pretty much everything,'s still not in the city limits!

That's the good news....the bad news...the house STINKS!! No...LITERALLY!  It's a repo and whomever had it before us must have mistook it for a doggie litterbox!  Not to worry, though, it's not a NON-fixable stink.  We've had some professionals on the job and they've told us what has to be done to "DE-smell-ify" (extremely technical term! lol) 

That's the good, then bad news, now here's the good-er (purposefully bad English...must...refrain....from.....fixing......!) news.  We're gonna fix it ...and Y'ALL get to watch us do it....CHEAPLY!!!!!!!

THAT, my online friends, is why I say I'm taking my cheapification (I should write my own dictionary!) to the "next level".....Even if I DID have tons of moulah, I WOULDN'T wanna spend it all on costly reno that I can do MUCH more affordably (by God's grace). 

WAIT>.......I see you out there, looking at your computer screen and FREAKING OUT.....CHILLAX!!!  I'm NOT going into this alone with my unskilled self....No "Renovation Realities" here....(although, I'm SURE there will be some, er, snafu's here and there)  I have friends in skillful places!  I have a friend who is a  plumbing/heating guy, another who is a licenced journeyman electrician, still a few more who are builders (one owned his own building business...before becoming a pastor!), and still a plethora more who are skilled in areas such as drywall, painting, interior design...etc....BREATHE......I've got it covered! (Oh, did I mention, I've got GOD on my side? he's the MASTER builder!!!)

OK, so enough, type, time for pictures of the DISASTER waiting to be a DREAM!!!

Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to the tour of my Macaroni and Cheese Colored Mansion!  Yeah.....the color's gna go!  Leaning toward a light mocha with a light tan ......but.....hmmm....

 The garage door looks broken, but as you can kinda see in the next pic, it's just popped off ....easy fix.  This door is the reason I'm leaning toward mocha/beige/tan colors...kinda hard to paint a fiberglass door and...why buy a new one...this one's in good condition!

                                             The garage is of the two-car variety, lol

Here we have the master bedroom (12x15) the wall on the right is going to have a door framed into it to get into the room in the following pic. Notice the AWESOME windows????  NEW!
This pic is a little deceiving.  It looks like the walls are mildewy or something, but it's just a bad pic...and ugly blue paint!  This will be the spare room and a place for hubby n I to keep our dressers, winter clothes, etc. (maybe the treadmill too!)

 This bathroom brings new meaning to the title "powder room", um don't think the inventor of that name intended for the room to be POWDER BLUE!!!! ICK!!!!  BYE BYE POTTY and BYE BYE TUB!!!! Seriously, though, The tub is very small.  Also, across from the commode and hidden from view is a badly designed linen closed.  Gna rip that out and build some shelves above the new toilet.  The new space will allow for a bigger tub. I'm cheap, so the Tile on the walls stay and all the decor will become tan/white with white potty/tub/sink (yeah, sinks goin too!) Did I mention "NEW" meant what I can get for free, from craigslist, the paper, scratch and dents at the store, etc?  HOWEVER...the potty has to be new!  CHEAP, but new!

Here we have my tiny kitchen. you can see, I have a separate dining room, so I DON'T CARE!!!  Hoping to find cheap cupboards somewhere (old ones a builder's getting rid of or something).  Notice the floor?  That is CARPET!!!  Those are NOT just food/foot traffic stains!  ICK! 

This is the dining room.  We have new sliders and frame already (FREE!!!!).  Light fixture's gna grace a dumpster....notice the floor?  More ICK!  Gna tear up both rooms, don the haz-mat (LOL) and then, sand/grind glue from floor, bleach water wash floors and walls to doggie height, next, its on to using a paint similar to "KILZ" but stronger, called "BIN" (anyone seen any sales? lol)  The wall to the left of the sliders will eventually have a row of cabinets on the floor with a countertop that matches the kitchen.  There will be another row of cabinets going across the ceiling with a mirror in the middle (might do two full length cabinet end caps...whatever I find cheap!)

This is the upstairs living room.  I should mention here, that all of the rooms with paneling will be covered with a special paper that mimics drywall...CHEAPER than replacing with actual drywall!
Also, up comes the vinyl flooring and down goes the BIN...then on to fake wood flooring!  We'll use the same flooring in the bedrooms and hallway upstairs.  The bathrooms, kitchen, and dining room will get tiles.

The basement stairs....not a problem...for now.  Hubby wants to eventually make them wider and the vinyl has to go!

Here is our beautiful blank canvas known as the basement!!!  At the far end on the left, is where you will be one of two more 12x12 bedrooms (there is also another 12x12 bedroom upstairs that isn't pictured).  On the right at the same end will be the other bedroom.  Then, coming back toward the screen on the right will be a framed in laundry room, then a storage room that goes up to the stairs (not pictured, but on the right).  On the left, after the bedroom, will be a family room.  See the door on the left?  That is a badly framed in storage closet, It's gonna GO!  Also not pictured is a nice little pantry which will stay.  LOVE this basement!!!!!

I can't wait to get started..and SHARE it all with ya!!!  PLEASE post any ideas, tips, and links you think would be helpful along the way!!!

*For those of you interested in the AMAZING way God allowed us to get this home, keep watch for a post titled:  "God is SEW good!"

**Also anyone waiting to see my tutorial on upcycling jeans to a skirt, be's comming!