
Friday, May 20, 2011

"My Favorite Friday!"

TGIF! WOOHOO!!!  Today, on "MY FAVORITE FRIDAY"  I'm featuring a favorite Blog site of mine:

Keeper of the Home !!!!

Her subtitle, which says "Naturally Inspired Living for the Christian Homemaker" is SO true!  Her posts inspire me to be the best "homemaker" I can be for my family and my God!

The current post up at "Keeper of the Home" is "Fun Frugal Memories to Make with your Kids this Summer"  What better post to put up in such a financially strapped time?  The ideas she has are wonderful! 

The most helpful post I've found so far has been Creating a Homemaking Binder. Here, she leads by example with this amazing binder.  I strive to be a more organized homemaker.  This post is easy enough to follow that I feel I can do it to!  I can't wait to finish my binder and begin my more organized lifestyle!

So, don't hesitate...>GO, NOW HERE and check out this awesome "Favorite Friday" site!

FYI.....Here's where I'm hoppin this weekend!:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Wish list...or I SEW wish for these....!

 I have been on a FREGGIE crave lately.  I have no desire for pasta, burger, steak, chicken....(still want fish!) right now....I'm not vegan, nor am I a raw foodie, YET....(I'm secretly a raw food wannabe!)  Having a family of 7 makes going raw difficult, to say the least.  However, my body is telling me that I totally need fruits and veggies right now, and I'm listening!  That being said.....I have a Freggie wish list!....Lemme share it with y'all:

1.  A dehydrator!

I can't even tell you the ways I could be SEW cheap in the long run with this puppy!
Imagine the money I'd save on fruit leather alone! should see some of the awesome things you can make like: Pizza  or Cookies!

2.  A Saladacco or Spiralizer!

After seeing videos using both, I think I would preferr the Saladacco (plus it's cheaper!)
But, I would get this spiralizer too...whichever one I find at a yard sale first!

3.  A Juicer!

I would love to have something to turn my Freggies into a drinkable delight! Plus, I want to add greens to them!

SO, this is my current wishlist....If/when I get them...from some yard sale or resale shop,most likely, I'll review them on the site and let you know how they work!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Borrowed Book Review #2: Round Robin

I finished the second book (novel) in the Elm Creek Quilts series...I got it Friday, finished it last night. I couldn't put it down.....well, not literally, I had to read it between, schooling 5 kids, mushroom picking with my parents(found NONE!), fixing boo-boo's, church twice and choir practice on Sunday,.....and a "FEW" other things....but when I COULD pick it up, I couldn't put it down!   I LOVED it!

SO, here's my SEW cheap  but SEW good borrowed book review #2!

Round Robin
by: Jennifer Chiaverini

     "She chose green and blue for the colors of the Elm Creek Manor. She chose blue for truth and green for new beginnings............
       She pieced a border of pinwheel blocks- pinwheels for her windblown life, which with faith and perserverance she tried to stitch it into order.  The pattern was a four patch, a square divided into four smaller squares, which were in turn divided into two equal triangles, one light, one dark, like the darkness of the past week and the light hope of the future.  She wanted to believe in hope."

-----A round robin quilt is made by a group of friends who take turns making the different layers/parts of the quilt-----just as the friends of  Elm Creek Quilts decide to do as a surprise for their dear friend, Sylvia....

As each woman takes her turn at each layer of the round robin, we are taken deeper into their lives, adding their stories to the ever-changing history of Elm Creek Manor............Getting to follow each character through their heartaches, happiness, and growth, made me feel as if I was becomming part of the "Elm Creek Quilters" .  I actually felt as if my story would fit within these other ladies' stories and could see where my layer of the round robin would meld with the others..........

This book is a MUST read...after book one (The Quilter's Apprentice), of course!  I finished this book wishing I had borrowed the next book WITH it so I could start reading it right away!